Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

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To Be Sent 5

Q Question: Review the information in "MGT-805 Integrated Case Study" located in the Course Add-Ons for this course. This includes narrative information as well as financial and supporting documentation. Write a paper (750-1,000 words total) that suggests resolutions to the business case presented in "MGT-805 Integrated Case Study." Include the following in your paper: 1. A one- or two-sentence summary of the organizational structure issue presented in the case. 2. A discussion with rationales supported by research and organizational theory analysis for at least two viable potential resolutions to the case. What organizational structures would you consider for each option? Why? How do the mission, vision, and core values of Purple Cloud influence the viable options? (Reinforces C.2.3: Recommend the application of newly developed or revised theories to specific business opportunities and challenges.)

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Solution: Structural organization in a company is responsible for deciding on how people interact with each and what specific roles they play in carrying out the functions of their organization. In this case study of the Purple Cloud the mechanistic structure begins playing its role from the beginning where the founder Nathan Tecnoti forecasted the need to develop software for protecting individuals and companies but suffered an obsolete drawback due to its less technological advancements than its competitors which might also be due to a more centralised approach.